
DEIB and the Freedom to Recruit the Best

Diversity & Inclusion
Jessica Moffitt, Associate Recruiter, Talent Acquisition

As an Associate Recruiter in Talent Acquisition, Jessica Moffitt understands how valuable the DEI&B program is to her work – day-in and day-out – and to Worldwide’s People, Strategy and Culture (PSC) program overall.

Speaking personally, Jessicia says: “I have struggled to thrive in typical corporate positions that promote conformity at the expense of the individual. However, for the first time in my career I can show up at Worldwide as my best self and best employee instead of the best version of a cookie-cutter ideal. I feel secure and valued within my team as a person first and foremost because we are viewed as individuals with dynamic strengths.”

As a recruiter, Jessica has been saddened to learn what some people go through to get a job – especially at organizations that have little or no commitment to DEIB initiatives.

“I’ve heard about recruiters who suggested that a man with an ‘effeminate’ voice, for example, I might want to alter his voice for a phone interview. Or people with ‘ethnic’ names on a LinkedIn profile being encouraged to use names like William or Katherine on their resumes to conceal their identity.”

With a solid DEIB program behind her, Jessica feels free to recruit the best possible candidates for Worldwide and to free them of the effort to conceal who they truly are in order to secure an interview or a position with us.

“I can be myself at Worldwide,” says Jessica, “and it’s very gratifying to help others be themselves when they consider Worldwide as a potential employer. Our commitment to DEI&B makes recruiting, onboarding and retention exciting and effective processes for me and the people we hire.”

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