Make an impact: Participate in a study and help researchers develop new treatments
For questions or to join a trial by phone call:
Call for study dates
Up to $4,900
San Antonio, TX
male/female BMI 18.5-38
Age 18-75
Ask about our available referral bonus.
Cohort is 0% full.
Up to $2,200
San Antonio, TX
Check in: Sunday Mar 9th
Check out: Thursday Mar 13th
Additional Dates
Outpatient Visit:
Sunday Mar 16th
male/female BMI 18-32
Age 18-55
Ask about our available referral bonus.
Cohort is 0% full.
San Antonio, TX
Check in: Tuesday Feb 25th
Check out: Friday Feb 28th
Additional Dates
Outpatient Visit:
Sunday Mar 2nd
Outpatient Visit:
Monday Mar 3rd
Outpatient Visit:
Wednesday Mar 5th
Outpatient Visit:
Wednesday Mar 12th
Check In:
Wednesday Mar 19th
Check Out:
Friday Mar 21st
Outpatient Visit:
Sunday Mar 23rd
Outpatient Visit:
Monday Mar 24th
Outpatient Visit:
Wednesday Mar 26th
Outpatient Visit:
Wednesday Apr 16th
Phone Call: Wednesday Apr 30th
male/female BMI 30-60
Age 18-55
Ask about our available referral bonus.
Cohort is 0% full.
"*" indicates required fields
When you participate in a clinical trial, you help move medicine forward and improve the lives of others. Take a look at each step in the process, and see how being part of a clinical research study can help others — and yourself.
Joining a study starts with a quick phone call with us. We’ll ask you a few questions, and if there’s a study that might be a good fit, we’ll move into the next phase.
After you’ve been screened, you’ll come to our research facility for a complimentary physical assessment, and to discuss any questions you might have.
Once you’re approved as a candidate and if you’re happy with the study conditions, your participation in the clinical research study will begin.
When you participate in a clinical study, you help make medical advances possible, giving hope to countless people all over the world.
We have been working hard to deliver a range of upgrades to your clinic. Making your stay an even more positive experience.
2455 Northeast Loop 410, Suite 150
San Antonio, TX 78217 USA
Referral valid for first time participants only upon completion of his/her first study at Worldwide Clinical Trials. Make sure your FRIENDS give YOUR NAME as the referral when they are scheduling their first screening. Click here to find out more information.
A placebo is an inactive substance, which may be given to some of the study participants in a clinical trial as a control, so that researches can verify that any results can be attributed to the drug being tested assist in comparing the effects of the active study treatment.
When a drug company wants to license a new drug, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the European Medicines Agency, and other regulatory authorities require that the drug be tested on a large number of patients to make sure the drug is both safe and effective. The company must then select a number of medical research centers or clinics around the country that can recruit appropriate participants for the study. These studies have several development stages including early/phase I, phase IIB-III, and phase IIIB-IV research, with most phases requiring volunteers to help ensure efficacy and safety.
Clinical trials are important to ensure individuals receive safe and effective treatments for their health conditions, from heart disease to headaches, covering therapeutic areas like Central Nervous System, Cardiovascular, General Medicine, Rare Disease, and Oncology.
They provide the means to develop new treatments that are as effective, more effective, or safer than treatments already on the market; they enable researchers to discover new therapeutic uses for currently available medications, and they make it possible to develop innovative treatments for conditions that currently have no treatment.
People participate in clinical trials for various reasons, including health, financial and societal reasons. Volunteers who participate in clinical trials help to further advance medical science, which can help others in the future.
Clinical trials provide volunteers with free health and medical information. In addition, financial compensation for time and travel expenses may be provided to study participants.
Clinical trials are performed around the world in various settings, including doctors’ offices, hospitals, research centers and teaching institutions. Since most trials require periodic visits to the study physician, volunteers should take the location of the facility into consideration when deciding whether to participate in a clinical trial.
Our facility is located at:
Worldwide Clinical Trials
2455 Northeast Loop 410, Suite 150
San Antonio, TX 78217
Tel: +1 210 635 1500
Fax: +1 210 635 1646
Most clinical trials are sponsored by pharmaceutical companies, federal health agencies, medical foundations, medical centers, and universities; however, physicians may sponsor some clinical trials, particularly when the trial evaluates a currently available treatment for a condition other than for what it was previously approved.
There’s no cost for joining a clinical trial. Study medication, as well as study-related tests and procedures are usually provided at no charge to study participants. In some cases, you may be compensated for your time and travel expenses related to study participation.
In the interest of safety, the participant must fully inform the study physician about past and current medical conditions, illnesses, and medications, follow the prescribed treatment plan and attend scheduled visits. Study personnel will explain other study-specific responsibilities.
Informed consent is the process by which a potential study participant agrees to participate in a trial after being provided with information about the study and treatment. It includes an explanation of what’s involved in the trial, the duration of the study, the frequency and length of the required visits, as well as the known risks and benefits associated with the study treatment.
Participation in a clinical trial is completely voluntary. All questions about the study should be answered to the participant’s satisfaction before an informed consent form (ICF) is signed. Participants have the right to refuse participation or to withdraw their consent at any time during the study without penalty.
The wishes and best interest of the participant are considered at all times. Throughout the trial, participants will be provided with any new information that may affect their decision to continue their involvement in the study. In addition, the study physician may withdraw a participant at any time, without consent, if it becomes evident that it’s not in their best interest to continue.
Many US clinical trial opportunities can be found on, and clinical trials taking place in the greater EU region can be found on the European Union Drug Regulating Authorities Clinical Trial Database (EudraCT).