
2020 Predictions in Real-World Evidence, Part 4: Meet the CDO

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real-world evidence leaders shaking hands

As appreciation grows for the contribution of real-world evidence (RWE) and real-world data (RWD) to clinical research, the application of RWE/RWD within this space is treated with circumspection. To help stakeholders confidently explore the benefits of adopting real-world evidence applications, Jeff Trotter, Senior Vice President, Worldwide Evidence, has been identifying key trends within the industry.

This is the fourth post in Jeff Trotter’s five-part blog series, “2020 Predictions in Real-World Evidence.” Read his second prediction here.

Prediction #3: Meet the CDO

Real-world data and its strategic, operational, and organizational implications are far-reaching. Beyond its impact on research design and regulatory strategy and beyond its potential to provide evidence of value, real-world data can be compiled and curated as an actual business asset. Is it time for a Chief Data Officer? I think so. I’m building on my 2019 prediction promoting the establishment of Centers of Excellence within organizations. Effectively—and with apologies for acronym overuse—the CDO is the CEO of the RWE COE. OK?

The CDO must be an empowered executive who can support and work in full alignment with internal teams comprised of scientists, researchers, strategists, technologists, marketers, and everyone in between. The CDO must not only navigate the organizational minefield of marketing collaborating with science but also, in many ways, the CDO must set the boundaries and forge the appropriate pathways.

As I noted earlier, every company must chart its own unique course in leveraging real-world data and real-world evidence. However, I fully expect to see the CDO role—with that specific job title—become an established fixture in most larger companies in 2020. The role calls for an individual who holds credibility across disparate parts of the organization. The unique set of skills required—perhaps with diplomacy heading the list—will require HR to truly think, and search, outside the box.

What do you foresee as trends in real-world evidence for the coming year? Come back for the next installment in our blog series to read Jeff’s final prediction for 2020.

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